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HANSE Compliance

What is the HANSE compliance system?

The HANSE compliance system comprises a comprehensive system of measures to ensure our business is always carried out in full accordance with the law as well as with our internal principles and rules. In the process, we also want to instill the notion of responsible conduct in everything that HANSE employees think and do.  

Our Compliance System is divided into three levels of action: prevent, detect and respond. Preventative measures include, for example, compliance risk management, guidelines and procedures, and comprehensive training and advising of employees. Communication channels such as our “Tell us” reporting system and ombudsperson as well as fair internal investigations are indispensable to recognizing and resolving matters of misconduct. Unambiguous responses and clear consequences serve to punish misconduct and eliminate weaknesses. The responsibility all managers carry for compliance is the overarching element above these three levels.

Selection and monitoring of our business partners

Under certain circumstances, HANSE can be held legally responsible for the actions of its business partners. We counter this risk by taking a comprehensive approach to selecting our partners, by contractually obliging them to adhere to our Code of Conduct, and by monitoring the ongoing collaborations. This process covers the entire life cycle of the business partnership. Our compulsory companywide Business Partner Compliance Tool supports implementation of the process and ensures documentation of relevant information and activities. And we systematically harness the potential of big data using dashboards and analytics to improve risk management and the monitoring of our business-partner relationships.

Zero tolerance for misconduct: Code of Conduct for our business partners

HANSE has required its suppliers and business partners with an intermediary function to adhere to a code of conduct. This code is modeled after the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact. It covers legal compliance in general and our anticorruption policies in particular, including provisions against anticompetitive practices and conflicts of interest. Using audits, we systematically identify potential risks in our supply chain and collaborate with our business partners and to ensure they comply with the HANSE Code of Conduct. 

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